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Afrin Under Occupation (276): Arbitrary arrests, settlement village, militant religious movement under Turkish supervision, Al-Amshat cutting forests, chaos and killing of a solider under torture

Arabic to English Translation*

If the killing of a person supported by tribal groups loyal to the occupation authorities and belonging to a militia under torture in the “interrogation rooms” and hiding his body for twenty days in an official military hospital, with the knowledge and supervision of Turkish intelligence, is normal! How were the conditions – and still are – for the indigenous Kurdish detainees and abductees under systematic hostile practices and policies?! Despite the publication of hundreds of reports of abduction, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention, torture, murder, material extortion, show trials, unfair sentences on racial or political grounds, and the proliferation of secret prisons, the international community remains silent about these violations, crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law.

The following are facts about the prevailing situation:

= Arbitrary arrests:

More than nine months ago, the citizen “Jiwar Hassan Mustafa, /30/ years old” from the village of “Mashala/Msh’ala”-Sharra/Sharan, while returning from the destination of displacement Aleppo to his area with the intention of emigrating to Europe, on charges of having relations with the former Autonomous Administration, by the “Military Police” militias, is still under arbitrary detention in the notorious Rajo prison.

We referred in a previous report to the arrest of the citizen “Shawkat Rashid Atash and his son “Rashid” from the people of the village of “Shungeleh” – Bulbul on 21, November, 2023, and the prosecution of others after raiding several houses in the village by the militias of the “Military Police in Bulbul”, where they were released days later, while the two brothers, “Khalil /57/ years old and Jamil /50/ years old, Muhammad Atash sons“, Shawkat’s cousins, were forced to surrender themselves, so they were taken to the Afrin center, and they are still under arbitrary detention in “Moroteh” prison, especially since the villagers who are present Among them are members of the Atash family who were subjected to violations and crimes (many of which are documented in our report /177/ – 25, December, 2021) at the hands of the “Hamzat Division” militias controlling the village.

On 24, January, 2024, the occupation authorities arrested the citizen “Sheikh Manan Kiro /55/ years old” with special needs and his wife “Guleh /48/ years old” from the village of “Kholto” – Jenderes, and they are still under arbitrary detention.

On 29, January, 2024, the two citizens, “Muhammad Naasan Suleiman /57/ and Abdul Rahman Muhammad Hammoush /50/ from the village of “Kulian Tahtani” – Raju, were arrested by the Turkish intelligence and the “Military Police in Raju” militias, and they are still unaccounted for, in a campaign that affected /9/ citizens, including four women, on charges of relationship with the former Autonomous Administration, four of whom were released after imposing fines on them, and each of “Rayhana Yusuf daughter of Muhammad Ali /50/ years old, Mustafa Muhammad Bakr /33/ years old, Zainab Suleiman /20/ years old” are under arbitrary detention in “Moroteh” Central Prison in Afrin; and to note that the name “Ali Suleiman son of Mahmoud” was mentioned among the detainees of the village by mistake in our previous report (275) – 27, January, 2024, he is not detained.

= New settlement village:

Gazze Destek Organization G.D.D, ISTANBUL – Turkey, announced in a video on its Facebook page – 25, January, 2024 – its continuation of building a residential village to settle recruiters, on an area of /15/ thousand m2, and includes /40/ houses with an area of /100/ m2 and consists of two rooms, utilities and a garden, on an agricultural land from which /325/ olive trees were uprooted, and it was purchased from the citizen “Nabih Murad” from the people of the town of “Kafr Sefreh”, located between Yalanqoz / Jenderes and the town.

= Religious militancy:

Most of the organizations operating in Afrin under the names of relief and humanitarian have contributions to the active and militant Islamic religious movement, under official Turkish auspices through the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Turkish Religion Endowment, as:

Nima relief organization defines itself as “a non-governmental relief organization established in 2015 and obtained its license on Turkish territory in 2018”, and has an office in the city of Reyhanieh/Hatay.

It is currently focusing on “meeting the basic needs of the victims of the war in Syria”, while its activity in Afrin focuses on building mosques (Aisha/Sheikh Al-Hadid Town – March 2021, Al-Falah/Al-Sawan Al-Saghir Village/small Jaqmoq – June 2021, Al-Rahma/Raju Town – June 2021, Aisha/Abudan Village – June 2021, Nabi Shuaib/ Albeeskeh Village – May 2022 , Khatoon/Qarah Baba Village – June 2022, Ali bin Abi Talib/Afrin City – August 2022, Ummah/Gulio Village – December 2022, Zeitoun/Chubono Village – December 2022, Al-Salihin/Al-Yatima Village/Siwia – January 2023, Salma/Misteashiro Village – May 2023, Al-Furqan/Arab Sheikho Village/Gamaruk – July 2023, Al-Tawhid/Khroby Ruito Village – July 2023, Dar Al-Arqam/Al-Hayat Village – late 2023 ).

Mevlut Tobjo, Mufti of Hatay state, and Yusuf Kasr, General Coordinator of the “Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs in Olive Branch”, attended a ceremony honoring /625/ students of Qur’an memorization institutes and schools, which was held by the “Directorate of Iftaa, Endowments and Religious Affairs in Afrin” managed by “Salah al-Din Muhammad Kru from the town of Kokhreh/Afrin”, on 17, January, 2024 in the “Sharif Mosque/Enver Yildirim”, which was built in the Ottoman style, by the “Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation IHH”, with a floor area /500/ m2, and includes a six-room Quran memorization institute, which was completed in April 2023 in the center of Afrin city, on the former “Jenderes Garage” property, which was the property of the late Dr. Mustafa Nouri Taher.

The Directorate of Iftaa in Afrin, in cooperation with the Department of the Educational File, on 4, January, 2024, held an “administrative and scientific meeting for directors and laboratories in the Olive Branch area”, to “explain the educational plan and the mechanism of work”, under the supervision of Youssef Kasr, General Coordinator of the “Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs in the Olive Branch”, and this shows the extent of interference of religious institutions in the curriculum and work of educational institutions.

= Forest cutting:

The militias of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah – Al-Amshat” continue to cut Perennial forests in the countryside of Monato/Maabtali district, in the mountains (Hajji /2/ acres between the villages of “Gomazna and Raja”, Hajj Breem /1.5/ acres between the villages of “Ajara, Barka”, Amia /4/ acres west of the village of “Ajara” after opening the roads in truks), and collect firewood in the yard of the Nashat olive press and transport it by trucks, and do not allow civilians to take the remnants of the pieces except for sale.

= Chaos and Outlaw:

On Thursday evening, 1, February, 2024, a crowd of recruiters of the Al-Mowali tribe mobilized in front of “Afrin Military Hospital/Turkish Administration”, after they were informed of the presence of the body of the so-called “Satouf Al-Mufadhi son of Miteb – born in 1997 ” from the Al-Ghazi clan in it, where a person from the hospital officials spoke to the audience in Turkish – according to a video clip circulating – and said that the body arrived in the late night hours by masked people believed to be from the “Free Army” after the deceased (Turkish intelligence) told the hospital to receive it, and avoided answering A question about keeping the body for twenty days in the hospital refrigerator without telling anyone, which showed signs of rot and skin dissection, according to the forensic doctor’s report, and the relatives of the deceased said in front of the hospital that he was killed under torture and his body was placed in the refrigerator for /20/ days.

The relatives of the deceased accused “Muhammad al-Jassem/Abu Amsha“, the leader of the militias of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division-Al Amshat” of the killing, because he brought “Satouf” to review the “police” to investigate (in the case of the kidnapping of the Kurdish engineer “Sheikho Jamil Haj Ahmad Zadeh”) and ensured his protection from beginning to end, as there is an audio of Abu Amsha confirming this.

This and in the evening, clashes and indiscriminate shooting with light and medium weapons took place between Al-Mowali gunmen and “Al-Amshat” militias in the Mahmoudiya neighborhood of Afrin city, which led to injuries and intimidation of civilians.

= Other violations:

On Wednesday morning, 24, January, 2024, the owner of the “Azhar Hamdoush” store in the old city of Afrin, a resident of the village of ” Gamaruk” – Mobato/Maabtali, was surprised by the theft of a motorcycle belonging to an acquaintance that was parked in it, a sum of money /800/ dollars and other things, as the shop is under the control of the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division”.

In mid-January 2024, members of the armed checkpoint near the village of “Alke/Alkono” – Sharra/Sharran from the group called “Abu Islam” from the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division”, melted plastic from a quantity of cables stolen from the public electricity and communications network in order to extract copper from it, in front of passers-by.

The militias of the so-called “Syrian National Army” continue to exercise their influence by dividing the region into military sectors, contesting among themselves over spheres of influence, looting and seizure of property, and sometimes fighting, amid the chaos of military deployment, carrying and using weapons, as well as impunity.


Media Office-Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



Ghazi Dastak settlement village, January 25, 2024.

/14/ A mosque built by the Turkish Nima Preservation Organization in the Afrin area.

The presence of Mevloud Tabjo, Mufti of Hatay State, and Youssef Kasr, General Coordinator of the “Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs in Olive Branch”, the ceremony honoring /625/ of male and female students of Qur’an memorization institutes and schools, Al-Sharif Mosque – Afrin, 17, January, 2024.

Al-Masjid Al-Sharif/Enver Yildirim, 20, April, 2023.

The Iftaa Directorate in Afrin explains the “Educational Plan and the Mechanism of Work” under the supervision of Youssef Kasr, General Coordinator of the “Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs in Olive Branch”, 4, January, 2024.

A crowd of recruiters of the Al-Mowali tribe mobilized in front of “Afrin Military Hospital / Turkish Administration”, after they were informed of the presence of the body of the so-called “Sattouf Al-Mufadhi son of Miteb” in it, on the evening of 1, February, 2024.

Melting plastic and extracting copper by members of an armed checkpoint of the “Sultan Murad Division” militias near the village of “Alka/Alkono” – Sharra/Sharan, mid-January 2024.


* Under the supervision of the European Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekîtî).


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