DaxuyanWergerandinالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

Afrin Under Occupation (275): Assault on elderly people, torture of civilians, kidnapping in “Ba’arovo”, arbitrary arrests, settlement villages, cutting of the “Qatma” forest, chaos and thefts

Arabic to English Translation*

The violations and crimes against the Kurds and their region continue without exception in one village, and take on a systematic character, because they have been committed since six years of Turkish occupation, continuously and widely, and by all the militias of the so-called “Syrian National Army”, under the supervision of Turkish intelligence and under the eyes of the military and administrative occupation authorities and its institutions, without prosecuting the perpetrators or holding them accountable, except rarely.

The following are facts about the prevailing situation:

= Assault on an elderly:

On 21 January, 2024, a group of sheep breeders recruited the elderly “Omar Ahmed Alou” from the village of “Barkasha” – Bulbul, severely beat him with sticks, so it was necessary to take him to a hospital in Afrin to treat his wounds, after demanding that he remove a flock of sheep from an olive field belonging to him, and he and his son had received previous attacks, as the village is controlled by the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division”.

= Kidnapping gang in the village of “Ba’arovo”:

On Monday/Tuesday night 16, December,2024, /16/ cars of Turkish intelligence personnel and “Military Police in Afrin” militias raided the military headquarters (the house of the forcibly displaced Abdul Rahman Sheikho) of the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division – led by Fahim Issa” – “Araba Idris” sector in the village of “Ba’rovo / Ali Bazan” – Sharra / Sharan district, and arrested the village official called “Abu Muhammad Al-Asmar” and six of his group, so that the engineer “Sheikho Jamil Haj Ahmad zadeh – born in 1964″ from the people of the village of “Zaitounaka” – Sharra / Sharan was free from her grip and released him, who was kidnapped On 29 September,2023, in the vicinity of the village of “Kamruk”.

In connection with the case, the “police” released two relatives of his, “Sheikh Saeed Sheikh Ismail zadeh son of Ahmed, and Jawan Sheikh Ismail zadeh son of Ahmed“, who were arrested on 19 December, 2023”, and had left his relative, “Moulida Abdul Hanan Sheikh Ismail zadeh” two days after her arrest on 19 December, 2023, with her husband and sister, but kept the husband, “Abdul Karim Younis/Tunisian, a former ISIS and a member of the elite army militia controlling Zeitounaka” and sister “Najla Abdul Hanan Sheikh Ismail zadeh” under arrest.

A photograph of the abductee after his release and a video circulating sent by the kidnappers to his family earlier show the extent of the torture he was subjected to.

A local source confirmed that Turkish intelligence showed special interest in the kidnapping of Sheikho zadeh, and that the “Military Police” militias and others received financial royalties from his family for their “services in the process of liberating him”, without officially announcing details about the operation, the reasons for the kidnapping and those responsible.

On the other hand, some members of “Al-Murad” fled with their families from the village of “Ba’arovo”, and the recently appointed military official promised to allow whoever who wants from the people to return to it.

There were only /11/ families in the village out of about a hundred, due to forced displacement and preventing the return of /10/ families to it, who were forced to live in the city of Afrin and its villages, after the “Al-Murad” militias took control of it in 2018, and committed violations and crimes against its people over the past six years.

= Arbitrary arrests:

On charges of having ties with the former Autonomous Administration, the occupation authorities arrested:

On 13 October, 2023, the young man “Nazmi Muhammad Hassan, /19/ years old”, from the village of “Anqaleh” – Shieh/Sheikh Al-Hadid, shortly after his return from the destination of displacement from Aleppo to his village, is still under arbitrary detention by the “Military Police in Afrin” militias.

On 27 December, 2023, the citizen “Daleel Mustafa Mustafa/the family of Kesho /35/ years old, his wife Farida Fadel Ibrahim /31/ years old and their two young children” from the village of “Farrka Fawqani” – Rajo, residing in the city of Afrin, by the Turkish intelligence and the militias of the “Military Police in Rajo”, during their visit to their families in the town of Rajo and following a malicious whistleblowing against him, where the wife and the two children were released on 16/1/2024 AD after imposing fines on them, while the husband was tortured and is still forcibly disappeared and unaccounted for.

On 13 January, 2024, the citizen “Adnan Muhammad Khalil/Stowe family /45/ years old- works as a mechanic” from the village of “Aboudan” – Bulbul, by the “Military Police in Azaz” militias, where he remained for a week without contact with the outside world, and is still in arbitrary detention.

From the village of “Kulian Tahtani” – Raju, by the Turkish intelligence and the militias of the “Military Police in Rajo” on: 14 January, 2024, citizens “Rayhana Yusuf daughter of Muhammad Ali /50/ years, Ali Suleiman son of Mahmoud /35/ years, Fatima Suleiman daughter of Muhammad Ali /51/ years”, and on 23 January, 2024, citizens “Muhammad Suleiman son of Mahmoud /53/ years, Mustafa Muhammad Bakr /33/ years”, and on 24 January, 2024, the citizen “Khalil Ibrahim Bilal /66/ years old – Imam of the mosque”, and two sister girls “Zainab /21/ years old and Hanifa Suleiman /20/ years old daughters of Suleiman” on 29 December,2023, bringing the number of women to /4/, and the /8/ is still under arbitrary detention.

On 17 January, 2024, the girl “Lama’an Rashid Sidu /35/ years old” from the village of “Matino” by the Turkish intelligence and the “Military Police in Shar / Sharan” militias, after being forced more than a month ago to return from the destination of displacement Aleppo to the village in order to serve her elderly parents residing in their home, and she is still under arbitrary detention, in addition to paying a royalty of 1700 US dollars to the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division” controlling the village.

On 16 January, 2024, the elderly “Almassa Unbashi /65/ wife of Omar breem” from the village of “Hajico” – Rajo, by the Turkish intelligence and the militias of the “Military Police in Rajo”, who returned late last summer from the destination of displacement Aleppo to her village, and was taken to “Moroteh” prison in the center of Afrin.

On 18 January, 2024, the citizen “Abdo Rashid Hanan Haj Abdo /45/ years old” from the village of “Qastal Khadra” – Bulbul, by the “Military Police in Azaz” militias, when he went to the city, and he is still under arbitrary detention.

On 23 January, 2024, the citizen “Ali Omar Muhammad /70/ years old” from the village of “Alamdoreh” – Rajo, by the Turkish intelligence and the militias of the “Military Police in Rajo”, residing with his wife alone, under the pretext that his daughter “Noura” was in the ranks of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, who was martyred in 1987, that is, 37 years ago, and “Ali” is still under arbitrary detention.

= New settlement villages:

Under the pretext of sheltering those affected by the earthquake of February 6, 2023, without including the indigenous population, the pace of building model settlement villages to settle recruiters from other Syrian governorates in the region has accelerated, in service of the project to change its demographic engineering, which Turkey is actively working on.

– “Al-Salam ” Village:

On 23 January, 2024, the “Orange Organization“, licensed in Turkey and has an office in the city of Gaziantep, opened the “Al-Salam” village within the “Qatma” Horsh – Shara / Sharan, which includes “315” housing units, which are prefabricated houses, with the implementation of a complete infrastructure of roads, sewage, an internal water network for each unit with a reservoir, solar energy, electrical equipment completely, and a mosque, where the number of those who were settled in it reached about /1384/ people of recruits.

And in October 2023, Bahar Organization installed 775 RHU tents for about 650 families of recruiters in Horsh Qattma camp, where there are three camps (Al-Fawqani, Al-Tahtani, and Ma’saran).

–  “Deniz Fanari” village:

On 23/1/2024, the Turkish “Beacon of the sea/Deniz Feneri” association, entitled Zeytinburnu – Istanbul, announced the opening of the village of “Deniz Fanari“, which was built in cooperation with the “Rahmah Global Foundation (GRF)” in the British city of Manchester, consisting of /200/ houses built with block and cement with infrastructure, a mosque, a school and a religious institute, on an area of / 4 / hectares, after removing forest trees, at the site of the Qazaqli – Jinderes shrine.

– “Al-Khuzama” village:

In the summer of 2023, AFAD (Turkish Disaster and Emergency Authority) completed the implementation of the “Al-Khuzama Village” project near the village of “Ghazzawiya” – Shirewa, consisting of /1500/ housing units/caravan with electrical extensions, drinking water network, a school, a mosque, a dispensary, social facilities, roads and street lighting, funded by the “King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center – Saudi Arabia”.

– “Sur Baher, Beit Hanina” villages:

We wrote in “Our Report (244)- 6/5/2023” about the opening of the “Al-Amal 2/Hope 2 Village”, a model settlement built by the “International Organization for Relief and Development (AUNSOR)” near the “gobaleh” farm of the village of “Gilbereh” – Rubario on 4/5/2023 AD, and by follow-up, it was found that it is a project called “Land of Al-Amal 2/Hope 2” that includes two villages named “Sur Baher, Beit Hanina” in relation to the villages (Sur Baher, southeast of Jerusalem, Beit Hanina, north of Jerusalem), whose families donated funds for construction in Afrin, and Sheikh Khalil Amira and Dr. Khaled Abed Rabbo, Representatives of the two Palestinian villages, attended the opening ceremony.

= Cutting the forest of Qatma:

According to local sources and circulating videos, the forest of the village of “Qatma” – Sharra / Sharan was subjected to extensive cutting for logging and trade, where camps were built for recruiters, and comparing two pictures of the entire forest taken by Google Earth on (4 June,2018, before cutting, 31 December, 2022) we notice the deterioration of large areas of about /70/ hectares – during four winters, and likewise about /17/ hectares in the winter of this year, i.e. about (87 hectares = /87/ thousand coniferous forest trees more than forty years old), and the operations of The pieces are continuous, and have been hit by fires as a result of tampering and negligence or deliberately covering up the pieces.

The village and al-Harsh are currently under the control of the militias of the “Sultan Murad Division” – the sector called “Araba Idris“, which replaced the “Levant Front” militias after they were expelled from Afrin in October 2022. It is noteworthy that “Araba” is the nephew of “Salim Idris – Minister of Defense of the former Syrian Interim Government”, hails from the town of “Mubarakiya” – Homs countryside, and works under his command called Hamada Al-Zohouri, who hails from the town of “Qusayr” – Homs countryside, responsible for the military headquarters in the “former forestry center at the entrance to the village of Qortqlaq”, and took over the tasks of cutting and destroying forests in the villages of “Qortqlaq and Kafarum” near “Qatma”, and still continues to cut other forests, in addition to practicing violations against the people of those Villages and torture of abductees and detainees in that headquarters.

= Chaos and outlaw:

On 15 January, 2024, an armed group riding in a Santfe jeep (bearing military number 30582 of the Syrian National Army, according to local media channels supporting it) attacked an armed checkpoint of the “Liberation and Construction Movement” militias in the village of “Tal Tawil” – northwest of the city of Afrin (killing three members and wounding five – according to the same channel).

= Other violations:

On 12 January, 2024, the militias of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division – Al-Amshat” summoned the citizens “Abdo Ahmed Najjar /40/ years old – Al-Mukhtar, Ibrahim Muhammad Abdo /45/ years old” from the village of “Kurzeleh/Qarzeheel” – Shirewa, to their headquarters in the village, and beat and tortured them, against the background of each of them refraining from paying a royalty of /5/ thousand dollars to it, under the pretext of investing land for their relatives by proxy, as they released the mukhtar at night, who had to be treated for the effects of torture by a doctor, and “Abdo” two days later, and forced the two to Propulsion.

During the last ten days, armed thieves from the group of “Abu Diab/Harem” from the “Hamzat Division” militia stole (/13/ olive oil tank / 16 kg net from the basement of “Muhammad Abed’s house”, two solar batteries from the house of “Mustafa Murad”, a motorcycle from the front of the house of “Youssef Bakr”, a motorcycle for “Nechirvan Haji”, four sheep with their lambs for “Ahmed Haji”) from the people of the village of “Moroteh” – Afrin.

With facts and evidence, we reveal the truth about the hostile practices and policies adopted towards Afrin and its people, and Turkey’s responsibility for them remains essential, and the frameworks of that “political and militia opposition” that dominate Afrin and its environs are only tools in its hands.


Media Office-Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



Assault on the elderly “Omar Ahmed Alou”, 21/1/2024.

Torture of kidnapped “Sheikho Jamil Haj Ahmad zadeh”.

“Araba Idris”, one of the leaders of the “Sultan Murad Division” militias, under whose command the so-called “Abu Muhammad Al-Asmar”, the military official of the village of “Ba’arovo/Ali Bazan”.

The detainees “Daleel Mustafa Mustafa, the family of Kesho /35/ his wife Farida Fadel Ibrahim /31/ and their two young children” from the village of “Farfarka Fawqani”- Rajo.

Al-Salam settlement village in Horsh Qatma – Sharra/Sharan district.

The settlement village of “Deniz Fanari” at the site of Qazaqli – Jinderes shrine.

The settlement village of “Al-Khuzama” near the village of “Ghazzawiya” – Shirewa, source: North Press.

“Land of Al-Amal 2/Hope 2″ project/”Sur Baher and Beit Hanina” settlement villages near the “gobaleh” farm/Gilbereh-Rubaria village, source: “Afrin Local Council” and North Press Agency.

Horsh Qatma – Sharra/Sharan, before and after cutting.

“Araba Idris”, under whose command the so-called “Hamada Al-Zohouri”, the military official of the village of “Qortqlaq” – Sharra/Sharan.


* Under the supervision of the European Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekîtî).


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Afrin under occupation-275-27-01-2024 – PDF

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