DaxuyanWergerandinالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

Afrin Under Occupation (257): Attacks on “Peshmerg” Family, Kimar a Distressed Village, Wounded Civilians, Arrests, Chaos and Trees Burning, Al-Jassem’s Violations Continue

Three of the killers, who committed their heinous crime on the eve of Nowruz in Jindires by killing four from Peshmerg family, were arrested and are supposedly being put on trial by the judiciary of the Turkish occupation in the town of Al-Rai. The alive members of the family face all kinds of pressure, assaults and intimidation, without anyone protecting them in Erdogan’s “safe zone”. The real criminals are still at large, and they are the ones who plan, direct and protect the killers – the tools!

The current developments include the following:

= Threatening Peshmerg and attacking their son Nazmi:

Five days after the visit of Abdul Hakim Bashar, Vice-President of the Syrian-Brotherhood Coalition, to Peshmerg family in the city of Jindires, armed men from the Asharqiya Army, attacked their house before and after the dawn prayer of August 20th. They brandished their weapons; threatened and insulted the family in a barbaric behavior.

Later afternoon, in an attempt to discourage the family from pursuing the case of the martyrs and relinquishing their rights, gunmen from Asharqiya Army stormed the house of Ashraf Othman in the city of Jindires, and assaulted his son, Nazmi, 16. His clothes were torn with knives and beaten until he fainted and taken to a hospital in Afrin.  The same person had been attacked and beaten on Sunday evening July 23rd, by the gunmen of the same group with the butts of weapons and stones. The armed group held a knife to his throat and threatened to slaughter him and tried to run him over with their car.  As a result, he suffered fractures and injuries to his arms, damage to his spine, and bruises all over his body.

“The minor, Nazmi Ashraf Othman.”

It is noteworthy that Colonel Hussein Hammadi / Abu Ali Sharqieh, the leader of the Asharqiya Army/ Liberation and Construction Movement, who is affiliated with the so-called Syrian National Army and Syrian Interim Government, is responsible for the militants that committed the massacre of Jindires March 20, 2023. That same person was sheltering members and leaders of ISIS in his sector in the countryside of Jindires, the villages of Sandanka, Miska Tahtati and Fawqani, Khalta. Among those members, we mention Maher Al-Aqal and Manhal Al-Aqal who were killed in those villages on 12/07/2022 and Abu Al-Hussein Al-Qurashi who was killed on the night of 28-29/04/2023.

“Colonel Hussein Hammadi, leader of Asharqiya Army and the Liberation and Construction Movement.”

= Kimar village:

Kimar is a village located at the foot of Lilon Mountain, 15 km south of Afrin. It consists of some 153 houses, and it had about 1,100 indigenous Kurdish residents, most of whom were displaced during the war against the region. Recently, about 100 families = 400 people returned. About 21 families = 150 people of the settlers have been housed there.

The village is controlled by the militia of the Hamza Division, led by Sayf Boulad.  Another group led by Rami Batran Abu Jaber had used the village school building and two houses belonging to Juma Nabo, son of the former Mokhtar, and Ghazi family as a military headquarters. In October a fight broke out between the two groups. Abu Jaber fled, and the headquarters remained empty.

“Rami al-Batran, leader of the Hamza Division militia in Kimar.”

As a result of the attack on the village in March 2018, several houses were partially damaged, including the houses of Sherzad Nabo, Manan Khairo and Shaheen Hassan. All contents of the homes, including supplies, furnishings, copper utensils, gas cylinders, electrical equipment, etc. were also stolen. Fathi Subhi Hussein’s house, in particular, was completely stripped of its contents: electrical network, its supplies, equipment, even doors and windows, and the cowshed was destroyed.

They also took Jumaa Hassan’s car, who managed to get it back later on after paying a sum of money. Another car was also stolen but its owner did not manage to get it back. All equipment of FTTH unit dedicated to provide the village with landline telephone, cables and poles of the public electricity network, a generator and its accessories that belong to the village have been stolen.  Another large generator that belongs to Shahin Hassan was also stolen. In addition to looting and stealing of sheep, livestock and apiaries (30 sheep from Idris Hussein, 50 beehives of Genghis Najjar). Even the iron fence of some tombs in the cemetery were stolen, so much so that people were obliged to remove the fence of the graves and hide them in their homes.

The militias cut down thousands of olive trees for logging and trading with timber, including (Hanan Aslan 30 trees, Guli Habiba / Najjar family 100 trees, and Abdo Hamido 150 trees). In addition to two thousand trees belonging to Izzat Mamo Nabo, Mujahim Majid Alo Nebo, Einat Mamo Nebo, Nidal Jamo Nebo, Ghazi Mamo Nebo, Shahin Nebo’s children, 50 trees belonging to Ido Omer were uprooted. The entire olive grove (1000 olives and almonds trees belonging to Abd Al-Fattah Nebo, 700 olive trees owned by Ali Jamo Nebo, 500 olive trees belonging to Husni Nebo and his brother Nasser, 700 olive tree by Badri Waziro and his brother Sabri, 2000 olive trees belonging to Ramzi Khalil) was burnt down.

The other residents were subjected to various types of violations and crimes: killing, kidnapping, arbitrary arrest, torture, insults, financial extortion, etc., as well as unfree labor for men and their machinery and beating some of them during work. For example, the civilian Areen Dali Hassan, 25, was kidnapped by the Hamzat Division in February 2020 and forcibly hidden with ten others in Al-Hamzat headquarters (formerly the Asayish building in Al-Mahmudiya Horsh) in Afrin for four months.  She was released on December 23, 2020. When she was kidnapped for the second time in September 2021, she was pregnant. She was taken to the headquarters of the Police – Political Security and then moved to Maratah Central Prison, where she aborted on 02/01/2022 as a result of the torture and pressure she was subjected to. She was released on 24/02/2023.

Among the civilians of the village, the following were killed:

1- On 17/11/2019 the corpse of Narjis Mirza Dawood, 23, along with the body of her workmate Ali Al-Shaghouri from Damascus, were found in the village of Gamruk, in mysterious circumstances. The girl was living with her family in the city of Afrin.

  1. Hamo Genghis Najjar, 14.
  2. Abdul Rahman Hussein Hamo, 75.

The last two were killed with premeditation on Friday morning 27/11/2020, being shot by the militias of the The Hamza Division Wadi Samaqokia between the villages of Kimar and Korzeleh – east of the Jabal al-Ahlam canteen, the headquarters of those militias.

“Victims of the Turkish occupation (Narges Daoud, Hamo Najjar, Abdul Rahman Hamo).”

4- Fatima Ahmed Daoud, 38, Hanan Khalil Hassan’s wife, as a result of a shell falling in the middle of their house in August 2021.

It is noteworthy that the Turkish army had taken the house of Sherzad Nabo a military headquarters for some time, until it built a large base of about 3.5 hectares north of the village near the fig trees field that belongs to Khalil Muhammad, and also built a two-meter high separation wall of concrete blocks near it.

“The Turkish base north of Kimar.”

= Ghazawiya Bombardment:

As a result of fire exchange between the Turkish army and its militias on the one hand, and the Syrian army and its allies on the other hand, five shells fell on the village of Ghazawiya – Sherwa and its surroundings on both sides of contact line in Mount Lilon. One of those shells hit a house while its residents were sleeping outside. As a result, the civilian Ibrahim Ali Shirawi, nicknamed Biro, 55, was seriously injured, and he is still in ICU in Ibn Sina Hospital in Afrin. His three children were injured with varying degrees and were discharged from the hospital.

“The injured Ibrahim Ali Shirawi/Biro.”

= Arbitrary Arrests:

Shortly after his return from displacement, Aleppo, the elderly Bakr Rashid Miqdad, 70, from the village of Qara Baba – Rajo, was arrested by the militia of the Military Police in Rajo on charges of having relations with the former Autonomous Administration. He is still in arbitrary detention.

After his deportation from Turkey and handing him over to the militias in Bulbul district, the youth Rashid Muhammad Abdo Dawood, 28, from the village of Dir Sawan – Shara / Sharan was detained for about two months. He was released on 17/8/2023 after paying a ransom of 3 thousand dollars. He had been imprisoned in Turkey for six months on charges of having relations with the former Autonomous Administration.

= Burning Trees:

On the evening of 30/07/2023, Ahrar Asharqiyya militia set fire to a 300-year-old platanus tree next to a historical well-spring (Bir Kerê), at the entrance to Qasim village -Rajo. The tree had served as a landmark, a shrine, and a resting place for passers-by and its visitors.

“The platanus tree Bir Kariyeh at the entrance to the village.”

The Civil Defense in Afrin confirmed that its teams had put out two fires, the first one on August 18 in a forest of Arab Wiran village on an area of 4 acres. The second one on August 25 in a forest near Qastal village, in Shara/Sharan District.

= Muhammad Hussein Al-Jassem Continues Violations:

According to what was published on its webpage on 10/08/2023, Bahar Organization had distributed 98,400 US dollars to the people affected by the earthquake of Shiyeh /Sheikh Al-Hadia town and its environs, i.e. $150 per family. Several local sources, however, confirmed that Muhammad Al-Jassem Abu Amsha, the leader of the Sultan Suleiman Shah Division militia that controls the sector, took by force, through his gunmen, $100 from each family i.e. $65,600 of the total sum.

“Aids distribution by Bahar Organization in Shiyeh/ Sheikh Al-Hadid.”

Al-Jassem has recently informed the owners of oil press machines, that fall under his control, to pay a royalty of $ 0.25 for each empty can (tin) of oil that goes to the press in preparation for the next season. If the number of targeted presses was 25, the total sum of the royalty would roughly be $62,500.

In response to the decision of the US Treasury Department to impose sanctions on Al-Jassem, his faction, his brother, Sayf Boulad and his faction, “Al-Jassem” forced the mokhtars, agents and his associates in the town of Shiyeh / Sheikh Al-Hadid and its villages to rally in their support. He had issued a circular to Kurdish citizens and settlers to leave their jobs, close their shops, and forcibly participate in a demonstration in the center of Sheikh Al-Hadid on 20/08/2023 “in solidarity with him”. In case anyone violates that, they will be liable and punished. Al-Jassem continues to intimidate civilians and terrorize them.

= Chaos and Lawlessness:

On 18/08/2023, The Hamza Division militia forced the mayors (mokhtar) and some villagers in Bulbul district to attend a gathering in the name of the Kurds, and falsely condemn the US sanctions against its leader, Sayf Boulad. They forced the mokhtar of Shengili village- Bulbul to read a previously written and printed statement in Arabic and explained it in Kurdish.

On Friday morning 25/08/2023, a young man from the settlers of the Al-Mawali clan, who have been housed in the village of Talaf- Afrin, killed, a forty-year man named Fadi who also comes from Al-Mawali with direct live bullets.  They quarreled over collecting the grass of Qatti orchard that is used as livestock fodder. Three families of the perpetrator were expelled from the village, and the Military Police militia took over the file.

= Other violations:

In the plains of Midan Akbis-Rajo and its villages, especially the villages of Maidana, which are controlled by the Sham Legion militias, grapes, figs, and others fruits were subjected to widespread robbery by the militants and their relatives. Therefore, people were forced to harvest what remained, even if It was not in time.

Many leaders and members of the “Syrian National Army” militia have committed various violations and crimes, including Colonel Hussein Hammadi. According to the logic of accountability and justice, the most severe penalties must be imposed on them by the US Treasury Department similar to those imposed on Sayf Boulad and Mohammed Hussein Al-Jassem” and his brother.


Media office – Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



The minor, Nazmi Ashraf Othman.

Colonel Hussein Hammadi, leader of Asharqiya Army and the Liberation and Construction Movement.

Victims of the Turkish occupation (Narges Daoud, Hamo Najjar, Abdul Rahman Hamo).

Rami al-Batran, leader of the Hamza Division militia in Kimar.

The Turkish base north of Kimar.

The injured Ibrahim Ali Shirawi/Biro.

The platanus tree Bir Kariyeh at the entrance to the village.

Aids distribution by Bahar Organization in Shiyeh/ Sheikh Al-Hadid.


* Translated from Arabic by Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)

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