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Afrin Under Occupation (256): Sanctions on Amashat and Hamzat warmly received, Arrests and Chaos, “Saif Bolad” rents land, Call to punish others

On Thursday August 17, 2023 the US Department of Treasury took a decision that imposed sanctions on the militias of Sultan Suleiman Shah and Hamzah Divisions and thereof leaders: Muhammad Hussein Al-Jasim / Abu Amsha and Saif Bolad / Abu Bakr, the former’s brother Walid Hussein Al-Jasim, and car dealership «Safir Auto», that belongs to Abu Amsha, headquartered in Istanbul – Turkey. The decision that was taken for the involvement of the aforementioned people and entities in “serious violations of human rights in Afrin region” warmed the hearts of the Kurds and human rights activists. people. It, however, caused a great confusion among the two groups in particular and the militias of the “Syrian National Army” in general. It also confused “Syrian Interim Government” and the “Syrian-Brotherhood Coalition”, a delegation of which was visiting Afrin and other areas of the Turkish occupation, in an attempt to enhance the image of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries and the belittle the problem of Afrin and its people, and making false promises about improving the situation, with the coordination of Turkish intelligence.

“Because of violations of the rights of civilians and systematic attacks on the Syrian Kurds, including acts of kidnapping, displacement, torture, confiscation of property and murder”, America had on July 28, 2021 imposed sanctions on Ahrar al-Sharqiya Division and its leader, Ahmed Ihsan Fayyad al-Hayes, Abu Hatem Shaqra and one of its leaders Raed Jassem al-Hayyes nicknamed Abu Jaafar Shaqra.

Under the name of “solidarity gatherings” in Afrin center, towns and villages located under their control, the two divisions rallied their members, families, associates, and stakeholders: agents, mayors, and “notables” of the region, who represent no one other than themselves who had been originally appointed by the recommendation of the militias and approval of the Turkish intelligence, as well as some of the settlers. In the rally copies of the same manifesto that had been prepared in advance were read with cryptic names.

Defense Minister of the Interim Government, Brigadier General Hussein Al Hamada, issued a statement defending the punished, denying their commitment of any violations. He went on to call on America to reverse its decision!

The current developments include the following:

= Arbitrary arrests:

On 12/08/2023, after three days of their return from being displaced, and upon referring to the finance official of “Sultan Murad Division” Adnan Al-Khuwaylid nicknamed Abu Walid Al-Azza, who hails from Homs, to get their confiscated properties, the latter issued on an order to arrest the civilians Abdul Hamid Muhammad Manan, 63, Muhammed Isso Ibrahim, 50, Hussain Muhammed Horo, 49, and his legal representative, Abdullah Abdulrahman Ibrahim, 59, from the village of Kutana- Bulbul. Three days later, they were released, and their claims have been procrastinated for studying.

Some twenty days ago, the occupation authorities arrested the civilian Jihad Ali Qadir, 45, from the village of “Kutana”- Bulbul, on charges of having relations with the former Self- Administration. He is still under arbitrary detention in the city of Afrin

On 07/08/2023, Turkish intelligence and the militias of the “Military Police in Jindires” arrested the civilians Farhad Faiq Hamoush, 45, Muhammad Muhammad Tubal,45, Muhammad Ahmed Sayyid, 30, Hamid Mustafa Khalil, 30, Mustafa Muhammad Joulaq, 26, and Juma Muhammad Kalkhlo, 28, from the town of Jalma, on charges of having relations with the former Self- Administration.

On the same charges, the two civilians, Muhammad Mustafa Banafshah, 30, and Jumaa Mustafa Awan, 27, who were arrested from the same town on 24/07/2023 are still under arrest in Maratah Prison.  In report (254), it was stated in error that Jumaa Mustafa Awan was released.

The civilian, Muhammad Subhi Joulaq, 65, Mustafa’s father was arrested on 14/08/2023, and released on 17/08/2023 after confiscating his own pistol and imposing a fine on him. Likewise, Farhad Faeq Hamoush was released on 15/04/2023 after imposing a fine of $300 on him.

= Chaos & Lawlessness

In search of members of the “Elite Army” militia that killed one of the leaders of the 9th Division, in Jarabulus, on 06/08/2023, the militias of the Ninth Division were put on standby at the eastern entrance of Afrin city – Al-Qaws / Azaz Road, closed the roads and began searching all cars, especially the military ones.

On August 11, 2023, while the youth Ali Muhammad Kanjo, 17, from the town of “Jalma” – Jindires, was coming home from his work, two young men from the of Homs settlers intercepted and tried to attack him.  Kanjo tried to defend himself. However, he was severely beaten and stabbed with a knife. He was hospitalized to Afrin for treatment.  The next day, he left hospital.

After chasing him inside the market of Rajo and firing live bullets indiscriminately without any regard for civilians and passers-by, the Civil Police of Rajo arrested on 15/08/2023 a person whose name we could not know.

While the civilian Muhammad Sabri Daoud from the village of Atmana-Rajo was starting his car for taking his elderly father to a dialysis center, a joint patrol of the Turkish intelligence and the “militia” of Rajo Civil Police wanted to arrest him. However, he could escape and the police chased him and fired live bullets at him within the town without any fear for to the lives of civilians. Luckily enough they were unable to catch him. We still do not know the reasons.

In the context of mobilizing mercenaries and their families to express their solidarity with the of leader of Sultan Suleiman Shah Division, Muhammad Al-Jassem Abu Amsha, whom America included in its sanctions, and in order to extend his influence in the city of Jindires, dozens gathered in Furn Mada Street on Friday afternoon August 18, 2023. However, militia members of Nour al-Din al-Zenki Brigade in the twon of Anjara, the western countryside of Aleppo, blocked their way and shot live bullets at them. As a result, some of them got injured and others were arrested.

Women groups of the settlers residing in the camps of “Derbout” and “Atma”, steal red pepper groves in the town of “Jalma”-Jindires and its environs on a daily basis.  For fear of fabricating false charges against them and imposing unfair penalties on them, the owners who do not dare to stop them.

= Other Violations:

With the aim of establishing a tourist project, a contractor of the recruiters started leveling and preparing a piece of land of about 5 acres near Burj Abdalu – Sherwa cemetery on August 12. The land was leased to him by the Saif Abu Bakr, the leader of the “Hamza Division” militia. Part of the land is public property and the rest belongs to the family of the late Hassan Othman from the village.

“Excavation and leveling operations for a piece of land near the cemetery of Burj Abdalo – Sherwa. It had been leased by Saif Boulad, the leader of the Hamzat Division.”

On August 12 the youth Zakaria Al-Bustani son of Nasr, with the consent of his parents, and under the pretext of marriage and a love story, kidnapped the minor girl “M.G.A, 17,  from the village of “Tal Salur” – Jindires. After a while, he threw her out of the house.  Her father filed a complaint with the police in Jindires, who arrested the young man and his father. The case is being considered by the occupation court, and there are reports of assaults on the girl.

According to thousands of published documented reports and hundreds of testimonies of the victims and their relatives, all the militias of the Syrian National Army and their leaders are the same as al-Amashat, al-Hamzat, and al-Sharqiyyah in practicing violations and committing war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afrin. Therefore, sanctions should also be imposed on the Minister of Defense, Hussein al-Hamada, and Abd al-Rahman Mustafa, the head of the Interim Government, as they are directly responsible for the “national army”. The sanctions should also include Salem al-Muslat, head of the Coalition, and his deputy, Abd al-Hakim Bashar, in their capacity as political representatives of the “National Army” and their sponsorship of its institutions, in addition to former officials who held those positions at different times before the occupation of Afrin.

As an occupying power that sponsors the “National Army” groups, pays the salaries of its members and uses them as mercenaries inside and outside Syria, Turkey also bears full responsibility. It can put an end to the violations and crimes on a large and accelerated basis because it has effective control over the militia leaders and their decisions. It is also the main director of the crimes being committed against the Kurds in the context of its hostile policy against them.


Media office – Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



Photos of Salem Al-Muslat, the head of the Coalition and his deputy, Abdul Hakim Bashar, Brigadier General Hussein Al Hamada, Minister of Defense, and Abdul Rahman Mustafa, President of the Interim Government, with militia leaders and officials of the “National Army” and “Police” institutions, which proves their sponsorship and management of armed groups, and therefore their responsibility for their actions and practices.

Adnan al-Khuwaylid, Abu Walid al-Azza – from the city of Homs” is the finance officer of Sultan Murad Division militia. He is responsible for confiscating tens of thousands of olive trees and real estate, and imposing royalties that range between 10-50% of the olive harvest belonging to the people of the villages controlled by the division.

Excavation and leveling operations for a piece of land near the cemetery of Burj Abdalo – Sherwa. It had been leased by Saif Boulad, the leader of the Hamzat Division.


* Translated from Arabic by Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)

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Afrin Under Occupation -256-19-08-2023-PDF

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