DaxuyanWergerandinالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

Afrin Under Occupation (253): Forced Deportation of Refugees, Destruction of a Yazidi Shrine, Arbitrary Arrests, Internal Liquidations and Fighting Between Militias, Arms Chaos

Over the course of more than twelve years of the Turkish regime’s blatant interference in Syrian affairs, it relied on lying as a method. It started with talking about red lines, then about statements pertaining the displaced as supporters and brothers in religion… etc. In his last statement on the Syrian refugees, President Erdogan said that a million of them have “voluntarily” returned, and that there is a “clear voluntary desire” among the Syrians to return to their country. The reality, however, is that a few of the one “million” returned voluntarily, while the majority of them were forcibly deported from Turkey although Syria lacks suitable conditions for a dignified and safe return. According to the assessment of the United Nations, its institutions and many other international parties and organizations, Syria, especially the areas that are controlled by “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham” and those that are seized by the militias of the “Syrian National Army” and occupied by Turkey in particular, is not safe for the return of the displaced and refugees.

The following facts reflect the prevailing conditions:

= Shrine of Sheikh Hamid Al-Yazidi:

An opposition media activist and resident of Afrin posted a video clip about the shrine of Sheikh Hamid Al-Yazidi which he visited on 16.07.2023, and showed the extent of the destruction that has inflicted to the shrine. He confirmed that this sacred historical shrine and dozens of graves of the Yazidis, the original inhabitants of the region, were destroyed, and that in 2018 (the beginning of the occupation) there was only a hole in the dome of the shrine, meaning that the destruction occurred later and in a deliberate manner by the militia of the Al-Jabha Ashamiya that controls the two villages of “Qastal”. Jindo and neighboring Qatma. Thus, the report confirms what we had published in our report, Afrin Under Occupation No. (128) on January 30, 2021, about the vandalism and exhumation of the Yazidi shrine of “Sheikh Hamid” – 2 km south of the village of “Qastal Jindo” – Shara / Sharan district, on the road to the neighboring village of “Qatmeh”, and about the destruction of his cemetery and the cutting down of three perennial mulberry trees and forest nearby the site.

The Yezidi shrine of “Sheikh Hamid” before and after the occupation, “Qastal Jendo” village – Shara / Sharan.”

“Destruction of the “Sheikh Hamid shrine” from a video clip published by an opposition media activist.”

= Arbitrary arrests:

The occupation authorities arrested:

More than two months ago, the citizen “Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Hanan ,37 years old, from the village of “Korzelieh” – Sherwa, after he returned to his home from displacement in Aleppo. The militia accused him of dealing with the former Self- Administration because he demanded to return to his house.

On 15.07.2023, the citizens “Hussein Rashid Hamza, 42 years old, and “Murad Hussein Muhammad, 35 years old, from the town of “Kafar Safra”, were arrested by the militias of the “Military Police in Jindires”, on charges of having relations with the former Self-Administration. Murad was released after imposing a fine of /300/ dollars on him, while “Hussein” is still in arbitrary detention.

On 16.07.2023, the two brothers Habash, 52 years old, and Ismael, 49 years old, sons of Aref Alo from Baadina were arrested on charges of participating in the night watch during the Self-Administration rule. The citizen “Abdo Jaafar Sido, 45 years old, was also arrested by the militias of the “Civil Police in Rajo” on charges of working as a teacher, during the previous Self-Administration.   Habash was released on the same day, while “Ismail” and “Abdo” were released after two days after imposing a fine of /200/ US dollars on each one of them.  Radwan Haji s/o Mustafa from Baadina was also released on the same day after six days of arbitrary detention and a fine of 500 $.

= Chaos and Lawlessness:

On 13.07.2023, a child of the settlers who were inhabited in the village of “Hupka” – Rajo, was wounded in the hand and leg, as a result of live bullets fired indiscriminately by members of the “Northern Brigade” militia that controls the village, “to celebrate” the return “Abdul Qadir Al-Zarba”, one of its leaders called from Hajj.

On 14.07.2023, an elderly settler man was killed in the village of “Aster” – Afrin, as a result of an exchange of fire between the “Military Police in Afrin” militia and wanted persons who were intending to arrest them.

At the eastern entrance of Jindires, Monday 17.07.2023, the so-called “Ammar Muhammad Al-Omar, nicknamed Abu Rasha“, from the village of “Al-Ziyara” in Hama countryside and one of the former leaders of the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division – Al-Amshat” militia, was killed by several bullets. 72 hours later a statement was read on behalf of Albukhamis Aldlemiya Alzubeidiya tribe and asked to arrest “Qusay Abdel-Majid Qasoum Al-Janudi, nicknamed Abu Watan, an assistant of Muhammad Al-Jassem Abu Amsha, the leader of the division,” for his role in carrying out the operation. Following disputes between “Abu Amsha” and “Abu Rasha” over financial revenues from Libya, where groups of the division had participated under Turkish orders, in December 2021 in the town of Shih/Sheikh al-Hadid – Afrin, Abu Amsha arrested Abu Rasha together with his kin and relatives, and imposed a ransom of one million one hundred and sixty-seven thousand dollars for their release. Therefore, the latter and his group moved to reside in Jindires and tried to form a military body but he failed. At the time, “Abu Rasha”, his son “Muhammad” and his brother “Abdul Ghafour Al-Omar” revealed crimes and corruption files, thefts and raping that had been committed by “Abu Amsha” and his brothers.

Due to a dispute over filming a wedding party by one of them, clashes broke out between the two groups of “Abu Suleiman Al-Hamwi and Abu Obeida Qatna” of “Ahrar Al-Sham Movement” militias, near Kawa Roundabout in Afrin city center on the evening of 19.07.2023. As a result, a number of members were injured and caused terror among the civilians.

The purpose of the Turkish regime’s forced deportation of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees to the country and their settlement in its north, with Qatar’s funding and the global Muslim Brotherhood networks in favor of its neo-Ottoman project, is to bring about a demographic change against the presence and role of the Kurds.


Media office – Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



The Yezidi shrine of “Sheikh Hamid” before and after the occupation, “Qastal Jendo” village – Shara / Sharan.

Destruction of the “Sheikh Hamid shrine” from a video clip published by an opposition media activist.


* Translated from Arabic by Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)


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Afrin Under Occupation -253-22-07-2023-PDF

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