DaxuyanWergerandinالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

Afrin Under Occupation (251): Hatay’s Governor Visit, Minor Raping; Death of Another by Hanging, Chaos, Bushfires Thefts and Royalties

As an evidence of Turkey’s administration and control over the region as an occupying country, Mustafa Masatli, the governor of Hatay, visited Afrin on 06/07/2023 with two of his deputies, the director of security and gendarmerie. They visited a number of vital institutions and projects in the region. During the meetings, they talked about agendas of the local council, ongoing projects and ways of developing work. According to the council’s webpage, the governor and his retinue attended the graduation ceremony of the first group of students from the Faculty of Education / Gaziantep University in Afrin/ and opened a market complex “New Vegetables Souk,”.

“Mustafa Masatli, the governor of Hatay, visiting Afrin.”

Hereunder are documented facts about the prevailing conditions:

= Raping of a Minor Girl:

On 06/30/2023, “Muhammad Waheed Jumaa” of “Hamza Divisions” militia, from the town of “Taqad” western countryside of Aleppo, along with two others from “Jouqih / Juwayq” village- Afrin, seduced the minor girl “H.M.M /13/ years” who was taken to an isolated place outside the village, where she was raped.  She was taken home in a deplorable condition. The three men used to visit the victim’s house under the pretext of helping her elderly parents with special needs. After the disclosure of the crime, the criminal “Jumaa” fled and took refuge with his relatives in “Nour al-Din Zinki” militia, based in Jenderes.  The other two partners were arrested by “Military Police in Afrin”. The girl’s family dare not to pursue the case for fear of being attacked by other armed men in another way, such as deporting the girl with her parents out of the area.

“Muhammad Waheed Jumaa” who raped the minor girl in the village of “Jouqa”.”

= Death of a minor by hanging:

In mysterious circumstances, the underage, “Hasnaa Bahjat Muhyi al-Din Nafeh Murad Hassan“, aged 14 years, from the village of “Korka / Girkan” – Jenderes the hanged herself at home in the Ashrafieh neighborhood – Afrin city on Sunday’s evening July 2, 2023.

“The late minor “Hasna Bahgat Hassan”.”

= Death of a Minor:

At a late time of Saturday evening 01/07/2023, news spread on the death of the minor, “Salah Bassam Al-Hawash / 12 years old,” a settler from Damascus countryside, in mysterious circumstances after falling from a two-storey building in Ashrafieh Neighborhood-Afrin.

“The late minor “Salah Al-Hawash”.”

= Arbitrary Arrests:

– On May 29, 2023, the citizen Ali Habib Hamo“, 45 years old from the village of “Abudan” – Bulbul, was arrested by the militias of the “Military Police in Afrin”. He has been transferred from “Qatma” prison to Maratah Central Prison for fabricated accusations by “Elite Army” militia.

– Having returned with his family from displacement about two months ago, the citizen “Ibrahim Mustafa son of Jamal” from the village of “Jouqih / Juwayq” -Afrin went to the security authorities to “settle his legal and administrative situation”. As a result, he was kept in custody for twenty days.

= Security Chaos:

– On 6/25/2023, the car of “Zakaria Abd al-Rahman al-Jassim“, a member of “Hamza Division” militia, was exploded by an explosive device, in the Mahmudiyah Neighborhood in Afrin city. As a result, he was seriously wounded and died on 6/30/2023. The killed is an Arab who comes from Ain Al-Hajar village.

“The exploded car of the gunman, “Zakaria Abdul Rahman Al Jassim””

– Based on a previous deal, two young cousins from Mawali tribe, who live in “Shabu” Camp near “ Jalama” village – Jenderes, accompanied three members of “East Army” militia on 03/07/2023 for smuggling to Turkey with the intention of emigrating to Europe. The cousins, however, were kidnapped by the same group and taken to a place near the city of Jenderes, where they were beaten, and asked to pay a ransom more than what they had agreed upon for smuggling. When the two young men refused, one of them was shot dead and the other was severely beaten. The two of them were thrown near the entrance of Jenderes. They were taken to the hospital but their tribe was mobilized and put on alert. “Muhammad”, one of the victims, stated in a video clip that the so-called “Abu Musab” and “Abu Mujahid” and another person took them to a corral of doves in Aghjila Camp near Jenderes, and accused them of being supporting the regime, and that they were asked to pay two thousand dollars each.

– On Friday afternoon 07/07/2023, the Kurdish youth, ” Jihad Jabo son of Muhammad, aged 24 years” from “Qara Kul” village – Bulbul District, controlled by the militias of “Sultan Murad and Hamza Divisions”, was shot in his house, located on outskirts of the village. He was wounded in one of his shoulders. The criminal, who fled away, had been threating and demanding that the young man vacate his house, where he lives with his mother and siblings. Jihad was taken to a hospital in Azaz. It’s noteworthy that the uncle of the injured, ” Nouri Ibrahim Jabo aged 48 years”, has been arrested since April 2018 whose fate remains unknown.

“The injured young man, “Jihad Jabo son of Mohammed”.”

 – Due to chaos and the random spread of arms among the militias “the Syrian National Army” and the settlers, Rashid Al-Habbash, Abu Odai, a member of “Sharqiya Army” from Khasham- Deirezzor countryside was killed on 06/07/2023 by an astray bullet from the gun of his son who could not control the gun while celebrating in a wedding party. Two of his brothers were also wounded, as a result.

– The militias of “Sultan Suleiman Shah & – Al-Amshat Divisions” have recently exploited the demands of Mabata indigenous residents to restore their houses to settle their accounts with the remnants of Ahrar Asham militias. Therefore, they warned about 50 families from Hama settlers, that were formerly loyal to the “Ahrar Al-Sham” militia, to evacuate the properties they had seized in Mabata/Maatabtly. They have been given a respite to leave the town on the Eve of Eid al-Adha. The purpose of the decision is to take over the properties for themselves or for their relatives.

The tension between Al-Amshat and those groups, however did not resolve. Therefore, the Turkish intelligence interfered to settle the situation provided that the families of those groups remain in the town as civilians without any arms. The two parties signed an agreement posted on social media. In that way, indigenous Kurdish families remain deprived of their rights in restoring their confiscated properties.

“Conclusion of an agreement between Abu Suleiman al-Hamwi groups, the division / al-Amshat).”

= Bushfires

It’s a well-known fact that the bushfires in Afrin are done on purpose either for blocking out previous deforestation or preparing for a new deforestation. In addition to recklessness and accumulation of wood resulting from previous cutting, the Civil Defense of Afrin stated that its brigades extinguished the following fires:

– A fire on 02/07/2023 Sunday’s night and day, in a forestry area in the vicinities of Al-Shat village, west of Azaz city, located within the administrative borders of the Afrin region. Footages taken for the region show previous cutting of trees.

“Fire in the forest of Al-Shat village, west of the city of Azaz.”

– A fire on 03/07/2023 in the grove on the shores Maidanki Lake.

– On 04/07/2023, a fire in the grove of Maidanki Lake’s Island.

“Fires in Meydanky Dam forests.”

= Other Violations:

– An office affiliated to “Ahrar al-Sham” militia imposes a monthly royalty of 100 Turkish liras on each shop in the Industrial Zone of Afrin, whose number reaches about 800. That’s to say, the total sum of royalties amounts up to 80 thousand Turkish liras.

– Despite the fact that the sumac was not yet ripe, the militias of the “Syrian National Army” and their relatives stole most of the sumac season in the town of Midanki and Bulbul and thereof villages during the last two weeks.

– At the dawn of the first day of Eid al-Adha, 28/06/2023, a gunman of “Hamza Division” militia stole groceries from “Nidal Qader’s” store in the village of “Darkir” – Mabta / Maabatli, controlled by division.  The stolen materials have been estimated at $300.

– A gunman in the village of “Jouqih / Juwayq” – Afrin, controlled by “Hamza Divisions” militia, refused to vacate and hand over the house that had been seized with its contents for more than five years, to its owner, “Ibrahim Mustafa son of Jamal“.  The latter had returned from his place of displacement to the village with two months ago. Therefore, he was forced to live in the house of one of his relatives, who provided him with some furnishings and the necessary utensils.

With the prevalence of chaos and lawlessness, all forms of crime flourish, especially raping and violence against women. The perpetrators enjoy the protection of their leaders and occupation authorities, and most of the times escape from accountability and punishment.

09.07.2023 an

Media office – Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



Mustafa Masatli, the governor of Hatay, visiting Afrin.

Muhammad Waheed Jumaa” who raped the minor girl in the village of “Jouqa”.

The late minor “Hasna Bahgat Hassan”.

The late minor “Salah Al-Hawash”.

The exploded car of the gunman, “Zakaria Abdul Rahman Al Jassim

The injured young man, “Jihad Jabo son of Mohammed”.

Conclusion of an agreement between Abu Suleiman al-Hamwi groups, the division / al-Amshat).

Fire in the forest of Al-Shat village, west of the city of Azaz.

Fires in Meydanky Dam forests.


* Translated from Arabic by Europe’s Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)

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