Bijarteالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

With video: “Aras” is a young man from Afrin and belongs to people with special needs, has been tortured brutally by Erdogan Syrian militias.


20-November 2019

His mother is Amina Sydo, he is 30 years old, speechless from “the Kurdish village of Qastal Jendo” in Afrin that has Izidis majority.

Before his family emigrated early to Afrin center during the Turkish war against the region in 20-January 2018, where the village is adjacent to Izaz city-northern countryside of Aleppo, and one can reach it on foot from “Qastal Jendo” which is controlled by  the “Syrian “factions of Ankara, known as” the national or free Syrian army “. Aras had gone  to his village farming land next to Izaz lands but he went astray and became unknown for about one year, so his mother once came back to the village to ask about her son, but she was threatened and dismissed by the gunmen.

The family embittered during “Aras” absence and they were told that he was kidnapped in Izaz by the military controlling factions there. After a year the family knew that he is in a government hospital in Aleppo city, and was found throwing away on the road of Izaz-Aleppo with breakdown in health. It seemed that he was taken to hospital in Aleppo by the  one who found him on the road. After that an advertisement of his photo  appeared on Facebook calling his relatives in order to receive him from hospital. His uncle in Aleppo took him, and his family was surprised because of his completely changed features “physiogonomy” as well as the remnants of brutal torture on the whole of his body (butts, burns and drilling with nails) therefore his mother and brother collapsed after they had seen deep and big wounds in addition to severe injuries in his anus.

Militias probably tortured the dumb young man for pulling out confessions thinking that he claims disability and can talk but he pretends dumbness, and this made them torturing him more and more that caused him breakdown in psycho-mental health, in addition to hearing loss after torture.

Kidnapping and torturing people  under arrest solely for belonging to the people protection units and Syrian democratic forces or cooperation with the former self-administration  in Afrin , are considered a very common behaviour Particularly to the young generation by the occupants of Afrin .

There are a lot of kidnapped people of Afrin citizens who were disappeared forcibly in prisons of occupation in (Izaz, Al Bab, Mareh, Al Raai and Jarablus) and many of them  who were released, talked about the brutality of treatment with Afrin citizens as well as the direct supervision by Turkish officers  for questioning and torturing which caused the death of many arrested people .

Aras family is now in Al-shahba region -northern countryside of Aleppo in which Afrinians took refuge and who were forcibly displaced by the Turkish occupation and its Syrian gangs in the middle of March 2018.

The young man Aras suffers from serious psychological disorders , lack of hearing , perecptive underdevelopment and cutting his left ear in three points.

It seems that the severe unjuries in anus which were made because of torture remind us of the well -known Ottoman habit in torturing “the Ottoman stake” , his sick mother takes care of him entirely in addition to caring for her ill husband , and she calls on corporations and charitable people for helping Aras and the family , in this video , Aras mother and his brother talk about the circumstances of his absence and finding him , explaining what had happened to him as brutal torture , and accusing militias of Ahrar Al Sham , in addition to that , there is a ratified medical report from the kurdish red crescent regarding his psychological and health state , as well as his severe suffering , that create clear condemnation and accusation to the authorities of Turkish occuption and its Syrian terrorist militias.

-source : a documentary video -Rûmaf website  12 November 2019  a report by B.B.C Arabic 19 November 2019.

By (B.A)

Translated from Arabic: By Younes Aali

مأساة الشاب العفريني _آراس _ الذي عُذِب بالخازوق

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