Arabic to English Translation*
Amid the escalation of media, political, and military mobilization against the Kurds in Syria, Turkish occupation forces and the militias of the “Syrian National Army” continue to commit violations and crimes against Afrin and its inhabitants. This occurs as if Syria has not entered a new phase or experienced any change in the regime-opposition dynamic. There are no suitable conditions for the safe and dignified return of those forcibly displaced. Instead, thousands of families who have returned to their homes this month are subjected to inhumane treatment, living in an atmosphere of fear and struggling to meet basic living requirements. Moreover, reclaiming homes and properties is nearly impossible without paying exorbitant extortion fees, and in some cases, they are never returned. Returning individuals face severe security measures. Lists of their names are compiled by local leaders (mukhtars) and handed over to Turkish intelligence. These returnees are subjected to investigations, and hundreds have been arrested on flimsy and fabricated political charges, such as alleged affiliations with Kurdish political parties, the former Autonomous Administration (disbanded nearly seven years ago), or the administration of the Shahba region in northern Aleppo.

The following are facts about the current situation:
= Security and Military Checkpoints:

After the occupation of Afrin in March 2018, the region was divided into military sectors, each controlled by one of the militias affiliated with the so-called “Syrian National Army.” These militias established checkpoints on major roads, at the entrances and exits of all cities, towns, and villages, in addition to their headquarters and camps. The “Military Police” and “Civil Police” militias, both established in the same year, also set up their own headquarters and checkpoints. Furthermore, Turkish military and intelligence forces are deployed in special locations and facilities. Despite the settlement of approximately /650,000/ individuals from the families of militants and other settlers in the region—who closely monitor the Kurdish indigenous population (now numbering no more than 175,000 out of an original 750,000)—the people of Afrin have been subjected to and continue to endure strict security measures. Their personal data has been documented by forcing them to carry identification cards issued by local councils, with the information shared with Turkish intelligence. These records include special lists of thousands of detainees, in addition to security investigations, studies, and restrictions that prevent the Kurdish population from bearing arms. The following lists the locations of /121/ checkpoints spread across Afrin’s area of 2,500 km²:

– /11/ Main Joint Checkpoints: These are controlled by militias of the “Military Police,” “Civil Police,” and Turkish intelligence. (The four entrances to Afrin city, the eastern entrance to Jenderes city, kafr Jannah /Afrin’s Gate from Azaz side, Kukan-Mobato Junction, Matino-Sharra Junction, Qastal Jindo village-Sharra, Sharra Junction on the Nabi Huri road and, Sheikhurz.
– /21/Checkpoints in Jenderes: (Yalanquz, Hammam Junction – Ahrar al-Sharqiya). (Aghjaleh, Derlut – Military and Civil Police). (The western entrance to Jenderes – Military and Civil Police). (Two checkpoints between Jenderes and Tel Silor – Ahrar al-Sham). (Tel Silor/Deiwa Junction – Faylaq al-Sham and Turkish intelligence). (Jalameh two checkpoints – Faylaq al-Sham). (Kafr Safra, Haj Hasna Junction, Hasirka Junction, Ramadana – Samarqand Brigade). (Kuira/Miskeh – Ahrar al-Sham). (Sindankeh – Eastern factions). (Defa Yul – Al-Amshat). (Hamleka Junction, Ashkan Sharqi – Zanki). (Tel Hamu Junction, Qojuimo – Al-Hamzat).
– /10/Checkpoints in Sheirawa Subdistrict: (Kabashin – Faylaq al-Sham). (Burj al-Qas, Soghanak forest, Al-Ziyara, Burj Abdalu, Basuta town, Jabal al-Ahlam – Al-Hamzat). (Ghazawiya two checkpoints – Faylaq al-Sham). (Korzeileh jointly – Al-Amshat and Al-Hamzat).
– /7/ Checkpoints in Afrin City Center Subdistrict: (Andariyeh, Telaf Junction, Kafr Shileh, Koukabeh Junction, Juiqeh – Al-Hamzat). (Qeebareh two checkpoints – Al-Mu’tasim Division).
– /4/ Checkpoints in Sheikh al-Hadid/Shiyeh Subdistrict: (Entrance to Shiyeh, Jaqalo Villages Junction, Termusha, Gundi Khaleel Junction – Al-Amshat).
– /17/ Checkpoints in Rajo Subdistrict: (The four entrances to Rajo town – Military Police). (Shadiya – Ahrar al-Sharqiya). (Omra – Montasir Billah). (Ma’milo – Mohammed al-Fateh). (Atmono Junction – Al-Hamzat and Civil Police). (Qada, Barbaneh, Haj Khaleel – Al-Hamzat). (Quibeh – Montasir Billah). (Mosako Tunnel – Military Police). (Khirab Suluq, Meydan Ekbas, Jariqo/Khalilka – Faylaq al-Sham). (Jaqmoqo Road Junction – Military Police).
– /17/Checkpoints in Maabatli/Mobato Subdistrict: (Maabatli Town, Qantariyeh, Haseh, Kakhireh – Al-Amshat). (Ruita – Samarqand Brigade). (Dargireh, Satiya – Al-Hamzat). (Amoro Junction – Ahrar al-Sharqiya). (Arabo, Shitana Junction, Korkan Foqani – Mohammed al-Fateh). (Ain al-Hajar, Seimalka – Sultan Murad). (Amoro, Sheikhotka – Jaysh al-Nukhba). (Gamruk – Al-Amshat). (Avrazeh – Northern Brigade).
– /23/ Checkpoints in Sharra/Sharran Subdistrict: (Masholeh Junction, Qartqalaq, Alkeh, Qarah Jirneh, Seenko, Ba’aravo, Kafr Jannah Camp – Sultan Murad). (Khiraba Sharra – Malakshah). (Gamruk Junction – Al-Amshat). (Qastal Jindo – the Shamiya Front). (Deir Siwan, Ikidomeh, Shilta’ateh Junction – Sultan Murad). (Maydanky Dam two checkpoints – Sultan Murad). (Romanian Bridge/Manan Faaq Oil Press – Military Police and Faylaq al-Sham). (Nabi Huri/Aboudan Junction – Jaysh al-Nukhba). (Daraqliya two checkpoints – Sultan Murad). (Darwisho – Sultan Murad). (Omar Simo – Military Police and Jaysh al-Nukhba). (Hassan Deira – Military Police and Faylaq al-Sham). (Meiryamineh – Al-Amshat).
– /11/ Checkpoints in Bulbul Subdistrict: (Bulbul Town two checkpoints – Military Police). (Aboudan, Hafteir, Kurdu, Zariya – Jaysh al-Nukhba). (Kotana, Qastal Miqdad, Bileh Junction, Shingeileh – Al-Hamzat). (Koreh – Sultan Murad).
Additional Outposts in Dozens of Villages.
= In “Kakhreh“ Village – Mobato/Maabatli Subdistrict:
On the evening of December 26, 2024, the “Al-Amshat” militia arrested several residents, including “Masoud Mohammed Abdullah Obeid /21/ years old, Shiyar Jamil Abbo /27/ years, Hamo Mohammed Hassan Khojah /40/ years, Jamil Mohammed Eiso /70/ years. ”
The arrests were under the pretext of unpaid olive harvest levies. Three of the detainees were released after their families paid $1,500 per person, while Jamil Eiso’s car was confiscated. The “Al-Amshat” militia continues to pressure those unable to pay exorbitant levies, forcing some villagers to flee.
Women from the detainees’ families protested the arrests but were overpowered, and the detainees were forcibly transferred to militia headquarters, where they were subjected to severe torture.
= In “Heikejeh“ Village – Jenderes Subdistrict:
The “Al-Amshat” militia is pressuring residents unable to pay high olive harvest levies. One resident, “Farhadin Hassan Ibrahim /40/ years old, “was severely tortured for being unable to pay $14,000 in levies on his and his absent brothers’ properties. Four women were also summoned for interrogation to pressure their husbands to pay outstanding levies.
Separately, the “Military Police” recently arrested “Mohammed Hikmat Sheikh Ibrahim /22/ years old, “who had returned with his family from areas of displacement to his village, accusing him of ties to the former self-administration.
= In “Anqaleh“ Village – Shiyeh/Sheikh al-Hadid Subdistrict:
Despite paying $18,000 in olive harvest levies, “Ismat Breem Heividi /45/ years old” was assaulted by the “Al-Amshat” village leader, in the presence of the village headman infront of his wife, for documenting the purchase of an olive field without prior approval.
= In “Korzeileh“ Village – Sheirawa Subdistrict:
Around /10/ families returned to their homes but were denied access to their houses by the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade – Al-Amshat.” The village headman informed them they would not regain their homes for at least two months.
= In “Kuira“ Village – Rajo Subdistrict:
Last week, the “Ahrar al-Sharqiya” militia spread false rumors about a PKK cell, allowing local leaders “Abu Mamdouh and his brother Waddah” who are from Damascus Ghouta, to raid homes, including those of “Mohammed Ahmed and Salam Arous, “to extort $30,000 from each. The militia continues to pressure Rajo residents to pay outstanding olive harvest levies.
= In “Deir Siwan“ Village – Sharra Subdistrict:
The Turkish occupation authorities arrested several returning residents, releasing them only after imposing financial levies. The “Sultan Murad Brigade” demands payments ranging from $200 to $5,000 to return homes to returning families. A displaced family occupying “Ali Hanan Hussein’s“ home since 2018 looted its contents, including doors and windows, upon leaving the village.
= In “Marsaw” Village – Sharra Subdistrict:
The “Sultan Murad Brigade” imposed a $200 levy on each of six recently returned families. The headman submitted a list of names to Turkish intelligence upon request.
= In “Burj Abdalu“ Village – Sheirawa Subdistrict:
Four families returned but were forced to live with relatives, as settlers occupying their homes refused to vacate without a $1,500 payment per home. The “Al-Hamzat” militia controls the village.
= In “Dumilia“ Village – Rajo Subdistrict:
The “112th Brigade” militia oversees the village. A displaced settler occupying “Badri Hamo’s“ home since 2018 looted its contents, including doors and windows, upon leaving.
= In “Oquibeh, Beinneh, and Al-Ziyara“ Villages – Sheirawa Subdistrict:
Occupied by joint forces of “Al-Amshat” and “Al-Hamzat” militias earlier this month, the villages face night curfews during which militias loot property, livestock, and olive oil. For instance, a tractor belonging to “Niazi Ghabari“ in Beinneh village and a quantity of wheat in Deir Jamal town were stolen.
= “Al-Hamzat” Extortion:
According to local sources and an audio recording circulated on December 23, 2024, a figure identified as “Abu Nadim,” the head of the economic office for the “Al-Hamzat Division” militia in the village of Marateh, instructed village leaders (mukhtars) in dozens of villages across the southern and western sectors of Afrin to inform residents. The residents were required to review and renew what he termed “contracts” for managing olive groves owned by absent citizens, at the rate of one U.S. dollar per tree. The deadline for payment was set for December 31, 2024, under the threat that properties (proxy-managed assets) would be transferred to others deemed suitable by January 1, 2025. This directive was issued despite many of these properties having already been confiscated.
The “Syrian National Army” militias have been accelerating the collection of extortion fees and imposing additional levies, as well as looting as much property as possible from the residents of Afrin’s villages and towns. This activity appears to be driven by fears of potential changes that could disrupt their control, thereby jeopardizing their opportunities for theft and plunder in the region.
Media Office-Afrin
Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)
– Six checkpoints in the Afrin region.
* Under the supervision of the European Organization of the Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekîtî).
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