DaxuyanWergerandinالقسم الكوردي (kurdi)

Al-Amshat” Impose Extortion and Assault the Residents of “Kakhreh” in Afrin with Beatings and Live Fire



Yesterday, the “Sultan Suleiman Shah Division – Al-Amshat” militia, led by “Mohammad Al-Jassim/Abu Amsha, “a staunch ally of Turkey, encircled the village of “Kakhreh, located in Maabatli/Mobato, “and cut off its internet connection. The militia had launched a violent attack on a women’s protest, using batons, sticks, and live ammunition, alongside verbal abuse. As a result, around twenty residents sustained varying degrees of injuries, including children. The injured identified include “Zamzam Suleiman/Almama /60/ years old, Sadiqa Hanan /40/, Najah Jabo /45/, Khalil Abdo Hissou /10/, Mohammad Mustafa/Hamoudi Mukhtar /31/, Hassan Rashid Hanan /52/, Fa’iq Mustafa /80/, Mustafa Rashid Hanan /9/, Mohammad Mustafa Mustafa /15/, Khaled Hamrasho /45/, Hanifa Khalil Abbo /80/, Jihan Aiso Mohammad Aiso /40/, and Najah Mohammad Aloush /35/.” Al-Amshat also blocked the transfer of the injured to Afrin or any nearby town for treatment and raided the home of the former village muktar, “Fa’iq Mustafa, “causing material damage.

The protest erupted after several men visited the “Al-Amshat” headquarters to express their objection to a new extortion fee imposed on the village and following the arrest of two individuals, “Hassan Rashid Imo /48/ years old and Idris Ali Abbo /45/ years old, “who were later released late at night.

The residents have confined themselves to their homes, fearing to go outside. Meanwhile, elements of the “Military Police” militia have been deployed in the village to assist “Al-Amshat” in maintaining control. The current village muktar, who collaborates with the occupiers, informed the residents via WhatsApp this morning, urging them to quickly pay the imposed extortion fees.

These events followed the residents’ refusal to pay the newly imposed fee of $8 per olive tree, regardless of its size or fruit-bearing status. The fee targets properties belonging to absent citizens and is managed by their relatives. For each family, the extortion amounts to several thousand dollars, which is impossible to pay due to the lack of money and olive production, adding to the injustice and severe violation of rights. Last month alone, approximately $17,000 was extorted from about 170 remaining Kurdish families in the village.

It is worth mentioning that “Al-Amshat, “during July and August, imposed forced fees at gunpoint on Kurdish residents throughout the entire Sheikh Al-Hadid/Shiyeh and Maabatli/Mobato districts, and affiliated villages, as well as several villages in the Jenderes district under its control. They extorted about $800,000 from the population, in addition to around $27 million during the last olive harvest season.

Additionally, it is reported that on September 5, 2024, “Sheikh Mohammad Abdo Abbo /45/ years old, “a resident of “Kakhreh, “passed away from a stroke due to the pressures exerted on him by “Al-Amshat, ” who demanded that he vacate the second and top floor of the house he had been living in since his own home was destroyed in the February 6, 2023 earthquake, even though the house belonged to one of his relatives.

“Kakhreh” is not the only village, nor is it the first or the last, to experience war crimes and crimes against humanity since the Turkish occupation of the region in early 2018. The entire region, including its cities, towns, and villages, has been systematically subjected to such violations.

We strongly condemn the violations and crimes committed against our people in “Kakhreh” and Afrin as a whole, holding Turkey primarily responsible as the occupying force in the region. We also hold its affiliated militias, including the so-called “Syrian National Army,” the “Syrian Interim Government,” and the “Syrian National Coalition – Muslim Brotherhood Opposition,” accountable.

The people of “Kakhreh” and Afrin in general call upon the international community to condemn the violations and crimes they are subjected to under Turkish occupation, to hold the perpetrators accountable, and to work towards liberating them from the occupation and militia control. They are also deeply disgusted by the silence of the Syrian forces that claim to be “nationalist, democratic, and revolutionary,” viewing them with profound contempt.

September 16, 2024

Media Office – Afrin

Kurdish Democratic Unity Party in Syria (Yekiti)



The village of “Kakhreh” – Mobato/Maabatli, Afrin.

Three women who were subjected to beatings.

Deployment of the “Military Police” -militia in “Kakhreh” last night.

The late “Sheikh Mohammad Abdo Abbo”


‏Statement -Kakhreh-16-9-2024 – PDF

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